Monday, April 9, 2018

Sunday April 8th Final Mexico Day

Wow...what a day!

Katie and I walked over the bridge and got picked up at the corner by our friend Charely. When we went shopping the other day, Katie bought a mortar and pestle, so she can grind some spices she got from her friend Durga. Charely took us to her mom's store so her mom could look at the mortar to see if it was real or made from some composite. Good news, it is real and it was nice to meet her mom.

Then we went to visit the family. Karelly had just got back from Monterrey with her grandmother on the bus. She had to get up very early so she was tired.

The family already had signs on the wall, they always celebrate Katie's birthday on April 15th and mine but not until July.

Great hugs from everyone.

After awhile they made dinner for us and they had a traditional mexican cake with our names on it.

Charely and her sister Dulce did their usual great job of translating for us. We just love them too, they are so considerate.

After dinner, we loaded all the pictures and videos that Katie took at the Quince onto a laptop. Karelly started to relive her Quince again. The computer was slow so it kept pausing, so she also watched on Katie's Camera. We learned that the photographers charged a lot of money for the pictures and video they took at the Qunice. Basically it boils down to around $2.00 per photo, and these are digital photos. Sounded like a lot to us. We said that Katie took 155 still photos and also video, but Erika said she wanted us to be able to enjoy the Quince, so she would never ask Katie to be "The Photographer".

Livario put some music on, and Eric did a dance from music he likes...Now this is a kid who when we first saw him was laying on a bed with an oxygen mask on with a breathing problem and has to be taken back and forth to Monterrey for treatment. You wouldn't know it now!

Livy did a dance, then she came and grabbed my hand and we started to dance. Katie didn't get a chance to get the camera out for our dance. She is really good and it was fun. We didn't get a chance to dance at the Quince. Then dad and Livy and dad and the two girls were dancing. Eric went and grabbed a board which has a guitar fret written on it with a marker, and he was then into air guitar.

and I don't know who started it but next thing you know, the cans of foam and easter eggs with confetti breaking over your head was in full force. The whole family was in on it, and everyone was laughing hard. This is the result....and I can tell you we never did anything even close to having fun like this in my family...too bad.

This was a neighbors puppy they brought in, the big Shepard was outside

This was the sign that greeted us when we came in

After the foam and confetti fight, and some more aftermath fun,  Charely came back from taking her sister home. Now it was time to say goodbye, this is always the hard part. Erika crying, the kids crying, and us. Better this way than at the bridge though, it is always worse there.

Charely drove us to the bridge, through customs, and back home.

And so ends another great day in the Valley

packing starts tomorrow

more later...

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